Mister Mixers LLC

Fix Your Mix

F. James Van Vranken

Manager and Dispersion Specialist
33 Forest Hills Drive
Wheeling, WV 26003
Cell: (412) 973-5156 - Office: (304) 232-5184

Fax: (304) 232-5183

E-mail: mistermixers@aol.com

Jim Van Vranken monitoring mix of organic shampoo


Mister Mixers LLC provides service to clients that require individual or complete process engineering ranging from material handling equipment to mixing,  blending or a reactor process.  Mister Mixers LLC also makes recommendations for chemical dispersants. Our motto is to "Fix Your Mix" and make your process more efficent by helping you make a better product.
Ask Jim about the benefits of Vacuum Mixing!

Click Link Below For 

Vacuum Technology Illustration

Range of Products


Jim has worked with many fortune 500 companies that manufacture a wide range of products including but not limited to:


Pharmaceuticals (Transdermal Patches)
Food Products (Chocolate Bars-Soups-Sauces-Cheese Products)
Batteries (Lithium Ion)
Coatings (UV Curables)
Propellants Missiles)
Chemicals (Polymerization)
Detergents & Bar Soap
Aerospace Composites
Dental Composites
Adhesives (All Types)
Carbon Nanotubes